Monday, September 23, 2019

HEALTH LAW AND ETHICS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 19

HEALTH LAW AND ETHICS - Essay Example For example, the right information concerning diet and exercise keep changing depending on the introduction of new approaches and techniques. This means that a person who can identify fresh information and discard stale facts is likely to utilize the internet appropriately. The end of life decisions in the absence of a prior arrangement is the prerogative of the next of kin. It is fundamental to notice that decisions made concerning end of life should focus on the needs of the loved ones who are left behind. For example, a woman who fails to leave documentation concerning end of life can have her son make these choices. The government advocates for a proxy or agent especially when the victim lacks close relations. This means that the government through coordination with the care providers could make the appropriate decisions. The options mentioned above are circumstantial because the law often takes precedence based on cases that were previously determined. Nevertheless, the close relations have the advantage when making these

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